Portugal's must-visit cities
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What we love here: History and culture World Heritage Site Iconic landmarks Urban adventures
Explore Porto
What we love here: World Heritage Site Urban adventures History and culture Culinary hotspot
Explore Lisbon

All things to do in Portugal

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Travel tips

About Portugal

As you walk on the patterned cobblestone streets, taking in the vibrant atmosphere, gorgeous art, and the scent of the world-class custard tarts in the air, you're sure to fall in love with the beauty of Portugal. Travel back in time by exploring Lisbon, where you'll witness century-old wooden trams, colorful houses, and a spectacular view of the River Tagus, all of which look like they came straight out of a fairytale!

Porto, split into two by the Douro River, is also worth a visit for its gold-leaf churches and the sight of the boat that wends its way across the city. And if you're craving for wine and warm weather, make sure to stop by the stunning archipelago of Madeira!

General info

  • Currency

    1USD = 0.90EUR

  • Language(s)
  • Best time to visit
    • FEB


Cities to Explore in Portugal