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  • All You Need to Know to Prep for Your Australian Winter Holiday

    Elle David
    Elle David
    Last updated 5 Aug 2024
    Australian Winter Holiday banner

    Photo Credits: Mohammad Husaini, Pat Whelen, and Anna Shvets on Pexels

    Forget the freezing weather — winter in Australia is still an excellent time to explore the continent. Australia’s winter season means ski season, snow galore, and ultra-fun festivities! It’s also the most comfortable time to visit its tropical, desert, and outback regions. With all the sites you can visit in Australia during winter (you can still hit the beach if you want to), you're spoilt for choice for experience and adventure.
    Brr-ace yourself for all the winter fun you’ll have in the Land Down Under. Here’s everything you need to know before you haul yourself onto a flight to Oz.

    What should I pack?

    View of the beach in Australia
    Photo Credit: Mohammad Husaini on Pexels
    Australia’s winter season may not be as cold as a European winter. However, some travelers may still find the Aussie winter colder than expected. Make sure you have all the bare necessities to help you beat the cold — here’s our handy checklist to help you pack smart for your winter holiday in Australia:
    1. Warm Clothing - Of course, the best way to keep warm is to pack clothes that help you stay warm! Don’t forget to find a warm covering for your head, hands, and feet. Make sure you’ve rolled up your beanie, scarf, jacket, jeans, and socks before zipping up that luggage bag.
    Klook Tip: It’s better to wear two to three thin layers of clothing rather than just one thick layer! You can wear a camisole as your first layer, followed by a comfy sweater, then a waterproof jacket or a lightweight vest to bundle up. We also recommend bringing long johns — they’re a real lifesaver from the cold.
    2. Footwear - Remember to bring your trusty walking shoes. Most winter things to do in Australia are active sports, such as skiing, heli hiking, trekking, or touring around islands, so it’s wise to wear something that will keep your feet from aches, pains, and the nippy weather. You may also bring flip flops if you plan to go to the beach.
    3. Sunscreen - It’s always a good idea to pack sunscreen, because whether the sun is out or not there are still UV rays present that can damage your skin.
    4. Your travel documents - Before you leave your door, repeat this mantra before heading off to the airport: “Passport-Plane Ticket-Visa-Travel Insurance-Identification-Credit Card.”

    What is winter like in Australia?

    Person walking under the snow in Australia
    Photo Credit: Pat Whelen on Pexels
    Winter in Australia is generally less crowded. So, if you’d like to skip the usual tourist traffic, visiting during Australia’s winter season would be your best bet. Plus, accommodation rates and other expenses are cheaper than usual. Bonus points for that!
    The average temperature in Australia during winter ranges from 3° to 11°C. The cold doesn’t usually go below zero degrees, but you might encounter some frosty nights here!

    When is the winter season in Australia?

    Man posing for a photo while skiing
    Photo Credit: Anna Shvets on Pexels
    Wondering when is winter in Australia? It’s from June to August! June is the most ideal month to get your white powder fix. It’s the start of the snow season, and the slopes of New South Wales, Tasmania, and Victoria are perfect for some skiing action.
    Wanna beat the winter blues? Visit the beaches of the Tropical North by July, and you might even meet friendly hunchbacks along the way.
    If the Outback is on your Aussie itinerary, the last winter month would be the perfect time to go there. If you want to enjoy marveling at Uluru, Kakadu, and Darwin without breaking a sweat, then plan your trip in August.
    Australia’s winter season is also the best time to visit the Great Barrier Reef! There are fewer chances for rainfall, clearer waters, and no stingers to avoid!
    People snorkeling in the sea
    Photo Credit: Robert Linsdell on Flickr

    What are the best things to do during winter in Australia?

    1. Watch the Phillip Island Penguin Parade
    Penguins walking during the Phillip Island Penguin Parade
    Photo Credit: Larry Koester on Flickr
    When in Australia, make sure you don’t miss the adorable Penguin Parade on Phillip Island! This world-famous parade takes place after sunset, but you get to see the cute penguins marching home as early as 6PM during the winter! If you want to make a day trip out of it, this Phillip Island Hiking and Penguin Parade day tour will give you the best Phillip Island winter experience.
    On this tour, you’ll be visiting different spots around the island, such as Cape Woolamai, Cowes, the Phillip Island Koala Reserve, and the Nobbies, before heading to the main star of the tour: the waddling penguins at the national park! Don’t worry about feeling too cold — the tour has complimentary coffee, tea, and snacks to keep you cozy.
    2. Ski through the Snowy Mountains
    Man posing for a photo while holding his ski
    Photo Credit: Murray Foubister on Flickr
    Nothing quite says winter like a snowy wonderland, and where else to enjoy it best than at Thredbo Alpine Village and Ski Resort in the Snowy Mountains? Round up the whole family for seven hours of winter fun in Australia like never before. 
    Whether you’re a beginner or pro at skiing or snowboarding, Snowy Mountain’s slopes have the perfect powder snow for your frosty adventure! Don’t have any equipment? No worries — you can rent gears and equipment at discounted prices on the way to Thredbo. Oh, have we mentioned that this tour also has roundtrip transfers from Sydney? No need to fuss about anything else!
    3. Soak up the sun in the Whitsundays
    Three guys doing a jump shot on the beach
    Photo Credit: Calvin Shelwell on Unsplash
    Want to escape the winter woes? Summer may be gone, but the beach is still on our itinerary! You won’t have to worry about freezing in the cold waters—Australia’s winter season is perfect for beach time. Where else to spend your beach escapade than on the pristine Whitsundays?
    Embark on a Whitsundays cruise and visit the world’s most photographed beach, Whitehaven Beach—all in just half a day! Set your sights on the 74 marvelous Wonders of the Whitsundays aboard a premium cruise vessel as you take in the cool winter breeze. Most of the tour is spent on Whitehaven Beach, so feel free to snap some pics, lounge around, or take a dip.
    4. Tour around Fraser Island on a 4WD
    People relaxing on Fraser Island
    If you’re better on four wheels than your own feet, then touring around Fraser Island 4WD might be an ideal winter thing to do in Australia. Fraser Island is home to many iconic spots, including Seventy Five Mile Beach, Lake McKenzie, the majestic Wanggoolba Creek, and the Champagne tidal pools.
    On this tour, you have the leeway to personalize your itinerary. Choose the places you want to visit and how long you stay at each stop, depending on your group's preference. Not sure where to start? Your local skipper will be there to assist in crafting your Fraser Island itinerary and how to escape the crowds as you tour around. We recommend 75 Mile Beach for a fantastic sunset view, Lake McKenzie for a quick dip, or the Wanggoolba Creek for a breathtaking rainforest trail.
    5. Go whale watching in Sydney
    Photo of a whale swimming
    Another wildlife opportunity springs during winter in Australia! Lucky for you, the winter season coincides with the whale migration season, so you have the chance to meet the gentle giants of the sea up close and personal!
    If this tickles your fancy, you better join a whale-watching cruise in Sydney. Spend four hours on the lookout for playful hunchbacks breaching or lobbing under the water. Over 16,000 whales pass through Sydney Harbor on their way north, so there is always a great chance to encounter one on your cruise. If you feel peckish from all the waiting, a BBQ lunch will be served aboard.
    What are you waiting for? If you’ve been dreaming of a winter getaway, Australia is the next cool destination for your snowy trip. Book the best bang-for-your-buck deals right here on Klook to experience a fuss-free vacay like never before!

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