Sri Lanka's must-visit cities
Top experiences by city
What we love here: History and culture Natural wonders
Explore Colombo
What we love here: History and culture Natural wonders Outdoor exploration
Explore Galle
What we love here: World Heritage Site History and culture Natural wonders
Explore Kandy
What we love here:
Explore Ella

All things to do in Sri Lanka

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About Sri Lanka

Nicknamed the ‘Land of Serendipity’, Sri Lanka is a tropical destination often discovered by chance. Despite this, the teardrop-shaped island easily becomes a favorite, a feat easily achieved by its eight UNESCO heritage sites. Travel by train to the Central Highlands’ lush tea plantations. Marvel at the Buddhist art and architecture at the Temple of the Sacred Tooth and the Dambulla Royal Cave Temple in Kandy. Explore the ancient towns of Sigiriya, Anuradha, and Polonnaruwa. Look out to the Indian Ocean at the Portuguese-era Galle Fort; and see elephants and other local wildlife up close at Sinharaja Forest Reserve. End trips like these with rice and curry for a complete Sri Lankan holiday!

General info

  • Currency
    Sri Lankan Rupee

    1VND = 0.01LKR

  • Language(s)
  • Best time to visit
    • DEC - MAR

      Dry season

Cities to Explore in Sri Lanka