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  • Why adding another person, a computer screen and wine could reignite your date nights

    Ellie Gregson
    Ellie Gregson
    Last updated 4 Feb 2021
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    With most of the world in lockdown what has become of date nights or romance in general? Bad news: The prognosis is not great. Leading British law firm Stewarts logged a 122% increase in enquiries for divorce services between July and October (20), compared with the same period in 2019. ‘Divorce Lawyer’ searches are at an annual 5 year high across the UK. 
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    Hot on the heels of 2020 it’s safe to say 2021 is shaping up to be a year like no other. So we say let’s make new rules. Valentine’s day shouldn’t just be one day… like all the others, let's share the love all month.
    Fortunately Klook has a vaccine to the lockdown restrictions that is terrorising date night and we’re here to help you bring ‘sexy back’ by introducing someone else into your date nights… 
    Hear us out.
    Virtual wine tasting, with an expert guide!
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    These online experiences allow you and your significant other to drop into a hosted wine masterclass live, (group or private). The beauty is that the wine you’ll learn about will have been delivered to your house prior to the event. Full quantities of wine and type are available across the range of experiences offered. You know what they say… couples that do virtual wine experiences together, stay together. Classic old wives tale.
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    The experience will jump right into the tasting at the time specified, helping those guests who are less familiar with industry wine tasting practices. The awkwardness quickly dissipates as you learn how to read wine labels, taste wine and what food pairings work especially well.
    When we eventually emerge from lockdown imagine how impressed your friends will be with this new found knowledge!
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    In summary: Always fun and engaging there are different offerings for types of wine and location of origin. It’s like taking a trip through Europe without having to get dressed! Some of the great experiences even offer virtual cellar tours and opportunities to visit in person (as soon as we are allowed).
    One of the best offers is hosted by the winemaker themselves, so you can try the wine and meet the winemaker!
    Feeling date night inspired yet? Did you know couples who went out monthly were significantly less likely to split up? That’s according to a study by The Marriage Foundation of almost 10,000 couples. 
    So go out, but stay in… you know go out but in. 
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    Sorry for introducing BoJo… did I kill the mood?