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Help Trains Japan trains When will I get confirmation for my booking?

When will I get confirmation for my booking?

It depends on the ticket pick-up method.

  • For QR code direct boarding: Most bookings are confirmed instantly, except during system maintenance (23:00-06:00, GMT+9). For bookings made over 30 days in advance, you'll receive confirmation at least 30 days before your departure date. We’ll secure your tickets as soon as they’re available on the official JR system.

  • For picking up the ticket with QR code: Most bookings are confirmed instantly. If you book more than 30 days before the departure date, however, you'll get your booking confirmation at least 30 days before departure. We'll book your tickets as soon as they become available on the official JR system.

  • For counter pick-up: Your booking will be confirmed within 48 hours of booking. If you book more than 30 days before the departure date, you'll receive confirmation at least 25 days before departure. We'll book your tickets as soon as they become available on the official JR system.

  • For ticket delivery: You'll receive confirmation and delivery within one week before your accommodation check-in date or departure date.

To check if your booking has been confirmed, look for your booking in the "Bookings" section of your account, or keep an eye on your email for updates!

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