Osaka & Kyoto Car Rental with Driver to Amanohashidate/ Miyama/ Uji/ Lake Biwa/ Kyoto Suburbs

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Enhanced Health & Hygiene Measures are being implemented for this activity. Please check the activity highlights below for more details
  • Select from three routes to explore Kyoto and Osaka at your own pace
  • Choose from a variety of vehicles to match your needs and preferences
  • Enjoy safe and friendly service from an experienced driver fluent in Chinese, English (via translator app), or Japanese
  • Visit multiple must-see attractions in Osaka and Kyoto at an affordable price!
Offers for you
Best Price Guarantee

What to expect

Which routes are included in this activity and is it possible to customize the routes? This activity includes routes departing from Osaka or Kyoto to Nara, Kobe, Amanohashidate, Miyama, Uji, Lake Biwa, and Kyoto suburbs. You also have the option to customize the route according to your needs.

How long will we stay at each attraction and does it include admission tickets? The duration at each attraction can be adjusted according to your needs. The driver will discuss with you to ensure enough time for visiting and taking photos. Admission tickets are not included in this activity; you need to purchase them yourself. Please refer to the package details for the included fees.

What items are included in the fees, and what are the extra charges? This activity includes the driver fee, fuel, toll fee, and parking fee. Additional costs may include any personal expenses, such as admission tickets and meals.

Which attractions are most frequently visited on these routes? Popular attractions include Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, Kinkakuji Temple (Golden Pavilion), Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, Nara Park, and Kiyomizu-dera Temple.

When will the operator provide the driver and car plate information after the order is placed? The operator usually provides the driver information and car plate number by 18:00 PM (local time) one day before the service. The operator may contact you via WhatsApp, WeChat, or LINE.

4-seater vehicle
Choose from 4-seater, 6-seater, 9-seater, 13-seater, and 18-seater vehicles to suit your preference and requirments
6-seater vehicle
No need to worry about the room for your luggage for there is plenty!
18-seater vehicle
Comfortable vehicles and three different tour routes for you to choose!
Kyoto and Osaka Car Rental with Driver
Kyoto and Osaka Car Rental with Driver
Kyoto and Osaka Car Rental with Driver
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Kansai Classic Road Kyoto and Osaka Private Car Charter

Good to know


  • You'll get confirmation within minutes. If you don't see any confirmation, reach out to our customer support.

Vehicle Information

  • 6-Seater Vehicle
  • 9-Seater Vehicle
  • 13-Seater Vehicle
  • 18-Seater Vehicle

Luggage Information

  • Extra fees may apply for oversized and/or additional luggage. Please pay any extra fees directly to the driver
  • 4-6 Seater Vehicle :
  • 6 passengers + 2x 20" luggage/ 5 passengers + 4x 20" luggage/ 4 passengers + 5x 20" luggage
  • 9-Seater Vehicle :
  • 9 passengers + 9x 20" luggage/ 8 passengers + 10x 20" luggage/ 7 passengers + 6x 20" luggage
  • 13-Seater Vehicle :
  • 13 passengers + 2x 20" luggage/ 12 passengers + 4x 20" luggage/ 11 passengers + 6x 20" luggage
  • 18-Seater Vehicle :
  • 18 passengers + 2x 20" luggage/ 17 passengers + 4x 20" luggage/ 16 passengers + 6x 20" luggage

Additional information

  • Eating and drinking inside the vehicle is strictly prohibited
  • Smoking inside the vehicle is strictly prohibited
  • Please include the driver as you count the number of seats in the car
  • Please help keep the interior of the car clean. If the vehicle is damaged due to personal factors, there is a strong odor or left dirty and messy, the corresponding costs will be incurred depending on the situation
  • Vehicle types listed here are for reference only. Actual vehicle type is subject to availability on-site
  • The driver can only speak basic English, please use the online customer service for English inquiries
  • 4,6 Seater Vehicle is stroller and friendly, 9,13,18 Seater Vehicle is stroller and wheelchair-friendly
  • According to the regulations of the Japan Land Transport Bureau. The full-day service time for 13-seater and18-seater models is 9 hours.
  • According to Japan law, all children aged 0-4 must be secured in an approved child safety seat according to their size and age. It is recommended to reserve child seats in advance if you are traveling with children
  • One child seat is free. Additional seats available for a surcharge

Surcharge table

  • All surcharges are payable in cash directly to the driver
  • Child seat:
  • JPY 2000 per seat
  • The highway toll fees and the parking fees are not included in the package. The driver will show you the receipt after the tour, please pay the fees directly to the driver in cash
  • You'll have to pay extra charges in cash if you exceed the allowable capacity for passengers and/or luggage
  • If your pick-up and drop-off point is located within different cities, an additional surcharge of JPY3000 per one way is required for vehicle return
  • Overtime charge: JPY5000 per hour for 4-seater, 6-seater and 9-seater vehicles, JPY10000 per hour for 13-seater and 16-seater vehicles. Overtime usage that exceeds 30 minutes but does not reach 1 hour will be considered as one hour


  • The set itinerary of each route may be changed or have partial admissions depending on the traffic and road conditions on the date of your rental. For this reason, the rental will still push through and no refunds will be issued

Route A

  • Kinkaku-ji Temple (Golden Pavilion)
  • Kiyomizu-dera Temple
  • Nishiki Market
  • Fushimi Inari Shrine
  • Gion

Route B

  • Arashiyama
  • Kinkaku-ji Temple (Golden Pavilion)
  • Kiyomizu-dera Temple
  • Hanamikoji Street

Route C

  • Amanohashidate
  • Funaya


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