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  • Complete 2021 Zodiac Fortune Predictions: Who's The Lucky One This Year?

    Eunis Ong
    Eunis Ong
    Last updated 4 Sep 2024
    zodiac fortune 2021 luck cny

    Curious About Your 2021 Zodiac Fortune?

    Hello, 2021! Despite the far-from-perfect start to 2021 with nearly the entire nation placed under the Movement Control Order (MCO), this doesn't mean we cannot spend the festive season with our loved ones (whether physically or virtually) from the safety and comforts of our home.
    With Chinese New Year fast approaching, we've gathered a complete guide on zodiac fortune for the year of 2021 based on predictions by the renowned Hong Kong-based Feng Shui master - Master Peter So Man Fung! With close to 40 years of fortune-telling experience under his belt, Master Peter is consulted by many every year for his credible fortune telling expertise. Find out how your 2021 fortune is predicted to be like when it comes to wealth, career, health, and love!

    2021 Fortune Predictions


    生肖 牛运势
    Friends who are born in the year of the Ox will face a clash with your own zodiac year (犯太岁) in 2021, and you may be prone to experiencing pessimism and emotional hurdles in 2021. If you're in a relationship, you are encouraged to try your best to maintain it by keeping a positive attitude to avoid clashes and unhappiness with your partner that may affect your work and daily life. You are also recommended to pay extra caution to your health.
    On the realm of wealth, as long as you keep your emotions at bay, you will see improvements and progress in terms of wealth and your career or business. Your overall fortune for 2021 is pretty average, and you are encouraged to be more careful when making important (and big) decisions or trying out something new. You may also face challenges on the interpersonal relationship side of things, so make sure you put in more effort to keep relationships healthy!
    • Fortune & Wealth Ranking: 4
    • People Relations & Love Ranking: 12
    • Lucky Colours: Gold, White, Yellow


    生肖 虎运势
    Friends born in the year of the Tiger, it's your year to blossom when it comes to people relations and love! Your interpersonal relationships are expected to be top-notch in the new year - if you're single, take this opportunity to forge relationships and get to know different types of people, and you may meet your right one in 2021. *wink wink* If you're in a stable relationship, you can start thinking of bringing it to new heights and even marriage, if you think it's the right time. Tiger friends may also meet people who are willing to support and help you (贵人) in 2021.
    Your career is also predicted to be smooth-sailing with the support of superiors in the new year. One thing to be careful about is to guard your finances carefully - lending a lot of money to the people around you may flush your original plans down the drain. If you work in the lines of insurance or property, you are encouraged to practice extra caution and be careful of the people around you. In terms of health, you may have the tendency to feel lonely or unhappy in the new year, so be sure to keep your mental health at bay, connect with your friends or family to talk things out when you're feeling down!
    • Fortune & Wealth Ranking: 5
    • People Relations & Love Ranking: 1
    • Lucky Colours: Grey, Bronze, Purple


    生肖 兔运势
    Those born in the year of the Rabbit are predicted to have a pretty average year, however, you probably wouldn't face too many big changes or challenges in your life in 2021, so there's nothing much to worry about. January and February are good months for single Rabbits out there to seek love, but once you missed the opportunity, you'll have to put in extra effort after that!
    If you face challenges at work, you are encouraged to be patient and take it easy, it will be a better time for you to switch careers after persevering a year - so hang in there for now if you can. Rabbits are recommended to slow down a little in the New Year, keep a positive attitude, don't force yourself to make too big changes in your life, and avoid unnecessary entanglements.
    • Fortune & Wealth Ranking: 12
    • People Relations & Love Ranking: 8
    • Lucky Colours: Blue, Silver, Green


    生肖 龙运势
    If you're born in the year of the Dragon, you are encouraged to pay extra attention to your health, especially in terms of your diet (be mindful of what you eat!) and gastrointestinal health. Once you've gotten your health sorted out, you may put more effort into your work and career, which is predicted to go pretty well in the new year.
    Also, you may encounter female character(s) that will help and support you in the new year (she may be your superior, subordinate, or partner), but be reminded to keep your emotions at bay and avoid losing your temper! Stay calm when going about your daily life and making decisions in 2021.
    • Fortune & Wealth Ranking: 1
    • People Relations & Love Ranking: 9
    • Lucky Colours: Red, Yellow, White


    zodiac fortune snake 2021
    Those born in the year of the Snake may receive help and support from someone far away, this is especially beneficial for those working overseas or working with people from other countries. You may also come across a possible career progression or promotion in 2021. If you receive a good promotion or success in the new year, you are encouraged to give back to those in need by engaging in charitable acts within your capabilities!
    However, Snakes may be prone to unexpected interpersonal clashes in the new year - abide the rules with care in 2021, avoid parking carelessly or littering if you don't want to get fined! Your love prospects also don't look particularly great in 2021, so if you're single, it may not be the year for you to meet the right partner. You are however encouraged to take this opportunity to expand your social circle and get to know more people beyond your existing group of friends.
    • Fortune & Wealth Ranking: 10
    • People Relations & Love Ranking: 6
    • Lucky Colours: Purple, Red, Orange


    生肖 马运势
    Friends who are born in the year of the Horse may have luck in the romance department this year, but you are encouraged to be careful as it may not lead to a long-lasting and healthy relationship. However, if your work involves dealing with a lot of people, you may benefit from your luck in terms of people relations in 2021.
    Your rank in terms of fortune and wealth is at number 7 out of the 12 zodiac signs, and if you put in hard work, you may see potential for growth and progression. Besides that, Horses are predicted to spend some money in 2021 which may not be a bad thing (破小财), so if you have been eyeing anything, you can consider completing your purchase in the new year!
    • Fortune & Wealth Ranking: 7
    • People Relations & Love Ranking: 3
    • Lucky Colours: Red, Purple, Blue


    生肖 羊运势
    2021 is predicted to be a clashing year for Goats, you may lose some of your wealth to important life decisions like moving homes or buying a house, and are encouraged to make careful, calculated decisions. Despite that, your wealth and fortune is predicted to be on a high note this year, albeit with some big ups and downs.
    If you come across any new opportunities, be courageous and go for it! In terms of people relations and love, you may also go through big changes such as potential marriage or starting a family, Goats who are single may also meet someone new in 2021. You should however be mindful of your health and practice a healthy diet this year.
    • Fortune & Wealth Ranking: 2
    • People Relations & Love Ranking: 11
    • Lucky Colours: Red, Purple, Green


    生肖 猴运势
    Dear Monkeys, you have a good year marked with blossoms ahead of you in 2021! Your romance looks positive in the new year - there is a good opportunity to progress to marriage if you're in a stable relationship, and single Monkeys will also get the chance to explore a new relationship. However, you are recommended to be careful of your valuables and when you're out and about in the new year - keep your wallet, phone, and credit cards well-guarded!
    While your overall fortune may seem average, you are likely to receive great support from three people (大贵人) who will steer your fortune in the right direction. If you're in a positive working environment, you will have a smooth-sailing career and interpersonal relationships in 2021.
    • Fortune & Wealth Ranking: 6
    • People Relations & Love Ranking: 2
    • Lucky Colours: Gold, White, Blue


    生肖 鸡运势
    2021 doesn't look too bad for Roasters either, you will likely have a good year in terms of people relations, and will receive help and support that will help you progress well in terms of your career. 2021 is also a good year for you to expand your savings, so take this opportunity to manage your finances well!
    Despite that, your climb to success this year may be a bit slow at times, and you may also get into small accidents (falling down or small cuts). In the realm of love, Roasters who are in a stable relationship can consider a level progression with your partner, and those who are single are encouraged to be proactive in grasping opportunities in the new year.
    • Fortune & Wealth Ranking: 9
    • People Relations & Love Ranking: 5
    • Lucky Colours: Yellow, White, Gold


    生肖 狗运势
    For those born in the year of the Dog, you are encouraged to pay extra attention to your diet and what you eat to avoid health issues pertaining to your gastrointestinal health (weak stomach). You may get into clashes with people easily in the new year but will thankfully get through this with the help of your lucky stars and people around you (吉星相助).
    Try to avoid getting into conflicts with people and you may see good progression in your career! As for your luck in the romance department, you may also get into clashes with your partner easily, which may lead to a shaky relationship at times. Those who are single may unfortunately find it hard to meet someone right in 2021, so make sure to put in extra effort if you're looking for your Mr or Mrs Right.
    • Fortune & Wealth Ranking: 3
    • People Relations & Love Ranking: 10
    • Lucky Colours: Red, Purple, Yellow


    生肖 猪运势
    If you're born in the year of the Pig, your fortune and career prospects are looking good in 2021! You will likely get the support and help from someone far away, which will lead to smooth progression in terms of your career or business. This is especially beneficial if your career or business involves working with people from other parts of the world.
    Your relationships with people will also be rather smooth and stable in the new year, however those who are single will unlikely manage to find the right partner, so make sure you work harder if you'd like to get into a relationship!
    • Fortune & Wealth Ranking: 11
    • People Relations & Love Ranking: 7
    • Lucky Colours: Yellow, Grey, Blue


    生肖 鼠运势
    Those born in the year of the Rat may not have had a particularly good year in 2020, but you'll likely have a better, more stable, and less emotional year ahead of you. As long as you work hard in 2021, your overall fortune will not be too bad - you will also get the opportunity for progression and promotion in terms of career with the support of someone around you.
    Your people relations in 2021 looks good as well - in fact, you may likely get the chance to reconnect with an old friend that may lead to a potential new relationship. In terms of health, Rats are prone to feeling unhappy or empty emotionally, and may also face some small health problems. You are encouraged to keep your health at bay and try to maintain positive emotions.
    • Fortune & Wealth Ranking: 8
    • People Relations & Love Ranking: 4
    • Lucky Colours: Yellow, Brown, Red

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