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  • Magical Sights With Over 5 Million Tiny Flowers Blooming at Hitachi Seaside Park

    Brandon Loo
    Brandon Loo
    Last updated 12 Mar 2024

    Beautiful scenes from the park show a carpet of blue that connects all the way to the sky!

    Spring is marked each year with the appearance of beautiful blooms all around that make for a lovely sight! Unfortunately, we can only experience one of these Spring specials from our neighbourhood parks.
    The Hitachi Seaside Park in Hitachinaka, Japan, is one location where you can fully enjoy the annual Spring blooms with 350 hectares of grassland full of various types of beautiful flowers!
    While most associate Japan’s Spring with Sakura blooms across the country, the Hitachi Seaside Park boasts a beautiful sight of baby blue flowers too! #KlookTip: You'd want to get up extra early to get pictures of these flowers without crowds of people. They'll definitely be a sight to behold!

    Oceans of blue nemophila flowers fill the park each year

    Nemophila or more commonly known as “Baby Blue Eyes” is a type of herb that is native to North America. It usually blooms between late April and early May, producing small blue flowers that are 2-3cm in size. 
    Being quite a rare plant, it’s no wonder that the nemophila attracts droves of people that come to witness its bloom each year.

    Plan your visit to the magical Hitachi Seaside Park

    Besides the gorgeous sea of blue Nemophila, Hitachi Seaside Park also boasts an array of equally, if not more beautiful flower species. Yes, there are Sakura blooms here too! In the meantime, you can still enjoy the sea of blue nemophila through the park’s Instagram page @hitachikaihin where they will post updates on the current blooms of the seasons.

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