Austria's must-visit cities
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What we love here: History and culture Arts and recreation Bucket list destination
Explore Vienna
What we love here: Romantic moments History and culture Arts and recreation
Explore Salzburg

All things to do in Austria

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About Austria

Creating an ode to Austria will require its greatest composers – Mozart, Schubert, Haydn, and more – to once again orchestrate classical pieces, for this country, steeped in history, deserves nothing but its best. Empires rose and fell, monarchs have passed, but Austria's significance lies not in its tumultuous history but in its constant and lasting beauty. With the Austrian Alps' looming presence, quiet places such as Innsbruck and Hallstatt seem like places out of a fairy tale. Add the imperial palaces of Vienna, the mystifying lure of the Eisriesenwelt ice cave, and the Sound of Music, Austria is pretty much a fantasy. And the best part? It's all yours to explore and discover.

General info

  • Currency

    1USD = 0.90EUR

  • Language(s)
  • Best time to visit
    • APR - MAY


    • SEP - OCT


Cities to Explore in Austria