United Kingdom's must-visit cities
Top experiences by city
What we love here: Romantic moments Culinary hotspot Arts and recreation Iconic landmarks Bucket list destination
Explore London
What we love here: Iconic landmarks History and culture Shopping paradise
Explore Edinburgh
What we love here: History and culture Outdoor exploration
Explore Inverness
What we love here: Arts and recreation History and culture
Explore Liverpool

All things to do in United Kingdom

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Travel tips

About United Kingdom

Made up of four countries, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom is one of the most historic and influential states in Europe. Home to iconic landmarks like the Stonehenge, Westminster Abbey, the royal Windsor Castle, and much more – there is a lot to see and learn in the vast expanse that is the United Kingdom.

Experience London, the capital city of both England and the United Kingdom. Visit Liverpool, the country's pop-culture haven and pass by Edinburgh, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its breathtaking scenery. Wherever you decide to go, one thing's certain – one trip alone would never be enough.

General info

  • Currency
    British Pound

    1USD = 0.75GBP

  • Language(s)
  • Best time to visit
    • MAR - JUN


    • SEP - NOV


Cities to Explore in United Kingdom