4G WiFi (SZ Airport Pick Up) for China

Unlimited China Mobile pocket WiFi data & Shenzhen Airport pick up
(24 avis)
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Good to know


  • You will receive a confirmation email and voucher instantly after booking
  • In the event that you do not receive an email from us, please check your Spam folder or notify us via email

Product Details:

  • Data (per day): 4G unlimited
  • Max battery life: 8 hours when fully charged
  • Max no. of connected devices: 5
  • Capacity: 5200mAh
  • Coverage area: Mainland China (does not include Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan)
  • Data carrier: China Mobile

Additional Information:

  • There is a minimum 3 day charge
  • Day charges are calculated inclusively. For example, if you pick up the device on a Thursday and return it on a Monday, you will be charged for 5 days of usage
  • WiFi devices are usually available. In the rare event that all devices have been booked, you will be notified at least 1 day in advance by email
  • You will be charged for all the days that you are in possession of the WiFi device, whether or not you use the mobile data
  • According to local policy, please present your passport and take a photo of you holding it at the Airport Service Counter when you pick up the device
  • A penalty will be charged for late return (within 5 days) at CNY35 per day. Your deposit will not be refunded and the device will not be workable if it is returned later than 5 days
  • Customers will be liable for any damage/loss/theft of the device (up to CNY500). Please check the device carefully before leaving the service counter

International Fair Usage Policy

  • Under the Fair Usage Policy, users who use large amounts of data in a short period of time might, without prior notice, have their data usage limited at the discretion of the telecommunications company they are subscribed to
  • Please refrain from watching videos for a long periods of time, or from using a huge amount of data in a short period of time
  • Operator will in no way be responsible or liable for the incurred data limit as per above, and you will still be charged with the appropriate fees during your rental period