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Guests and rooms

2 adults, 1 room

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Reliable customer support
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A platform made for you
23 languages covered, with 42 currencies and various payment methods accepted

How do I make a hotel booking on Klook?

Where can I find the cancellation policy?

How will I know if my hotel booking is confirmed?

Will I be charged if I cancel my booking?

Terms & Conditions

Accommodation Terms and Conditions shall apply in addition to our General Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy and the relevantthird party supplier’s terms and conditions and privacy policieswhen accessing or using ourwebsite www.klook.com and/or the Klook App (together, the “Klook Platform”) for anyreservation services for lodging and temporary accommodation, including hotels, hostels,serviced apartments, B&Bs, ryokans, etc. (collectively, the “Accommodation”).

  • By making an Accommodation reservation on the Klook Platform, you accept and agree tothe relevant Accommodation booking conditions, including cancellation and no-showpolicies. The cancellation and no-show policy of each Accommodation is available on theKlook Platform at the Accommodation information pages. Certain rates, fees or special offerswill not be eligible for cancellation, refund or change.

  • Any cancellation or changes (where applicable) to your reservation must be made throughKlook and not directly with the Accommodation or any third party supplier. Any problems orquestions on your reservation should be directed to our Klook customer service, who willassist you and serve as a point of contact with the Accommodation or third party supplier.

  • Prices for Accommodation are for room reservations only, and for the specified stay datesand number of people, unless expressly indicated otherwise.

  • Some Accommodations will charge mandatory service fees, surcharges, and local taxes (e.g.resort or amenity fees, transportation transfers, city tourist tax and festive gala mealsurcharges) that may be collected directly from you by the Accommodation, in addition tothe total reservation price you pay on the Klook Platform.

  • The total reservation price may include a charge for taxes and fees (“Taxes and Fees”).This includes an estimated amount to recover the amount Klook pays to the Accommodationfor your reservation for taxes owed or required to be collected by the Accommodationincluding, without limitation, sales and use tax, occupancy tax, room tax, excise tax andvalue added tax. The amount paid to the Accommodation for your reservation for taxes mayvary from the estimated amount. The Taxes and Fees may also include a fee retained byKlook as compensation for our services and to cover the costs of your reservation (e.g.customer service costs).

  • Klook is one of many channels Accommodations use to make their inventory available forreservation. When a search result indicates that an Accommodation has no more roomsavailable, that means the room type is not available for reservation through the KlookPlatform.