Tiket Taipei Exhibition "teamLab! Future Park"

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Pada tahun 2022, Taiwan akan melampaui 300.000 jamaah! Pameran baru “TeamLab Co-Creation! Future Park” hadir di Taiwan! Sinkronisasi mimpi di Okinawa, Jepang, memuaskan laut, darat, dan udara sekaligus!

  • Tenggelam di lembah besar dan air terjun
  • Penerbangan kendali jarak jauh genggam! Pemandangan udara dari dunia yang dilukis
  • Benamkan diri Anda dalam ekologi alam yang tak ada habisnya! Tempat psikedelik yang unik

Tentang Aktivitas Ini

With the concept of "co-creation", popular works that everyone from children to adults can enjoy are newly presented, creating a diverse group of super popular works that are interactive, colorful and co-created. Immerse yourself in the endless natural ecology, swim in the blue ocean, and fly freely in the air. This summer, come to "teamLab Co-Create! Future Park Taipei" to open up your creative mind and have fun. Believe that you, with unlimited creativity, are the only one irreplaceable in this world!

  • Exhibition period: 2024/6/14 (Friday) ~ 2024/10/13 (Sunday); closed on 8/20 (Tuesday)
  • Exhibition location: Special exhibition area on the south side of the seventh floor of the National Taiwan Science Education Center (No. 189, Shishang Road, Shilin District, Taipei City)
  • Opening hours: Weekdays other than summer vacation: 09:00 - 17:00 (ticket sales and admission stop at 16:00) Holidays and summer vacation (7/1~8/29): 09:00-18:00 (ticket sales and admission stop at 17:00)
  • Customer service hotline: 02-2649-1689 (09:00-18:00 daily, noon break on holidays: 12:00-13:00)
  • Organizer: United Digital Culture and Creation, teamLab Integrate Inc.
  • Co-organizer: National Taiwan Science Education Center
  • Official website
  • Official fan page


About teamLab

An art team active since 2001. An international, cross-disciplinary research team that explores the intersection of art, science, technology and the natural world through team creation. It is composed of experts in various fields such as artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians and architects. teamLab wants to explore new relationships between man and nature, and man and the world through art. In order to better understand the world, human beings habitually divide the world and regard it as something with boundaries. We explore the boundaries of cognition and try to transcend human cognition of the world and the boundaries of time continuity. Everything in the world miraculously exists in a continuity that lasts through the ages and has no boundaries.

About "teamLab! Future Park"

"teamLab Create! Future Park" is an educational project exhibition that children and adults can enjoy together. Since its first presentation at the Okinawa department store "Ryuumao Department Store" in November 2013, it has been held in Sydney, Bangkok, Shanghai, Turin, Budapest, Jakarta, Johannesburg... and other places around the world. Permanent exhibitions are also being held in Singapore, Dubai, Shenzhen and other places, and so far, 15 million people around the world have experienced them.

Co-creation “co-creation”

Introduction to the top ten exhibition works and painting factories

"Inspiring graffiti nature in the valley - symbiotic life, year after year, Red List"


The agitated valley composed of three-dimensional terrain presents the concept of separation of visual cognition and physical cognition due to the height difference on the ground. Not only can you play freely here, you can also create unique lives, gaze at the reproduction of all things up close, witness the disappearance of life, see the most beautiful postures and reincarnations of creatures, and experience the creatures created by paintings, which are not only “lifelike” ”, it was really breathed into life and vividly appeared before our eyes. If the drawn creatures eat other creatures, they will multiply and increase. On the contrary, if they cannot swallow other creatures, they will die and disappear. If they are preyed on by other creatures, they will also disappear. Salamanders eat snakes, snakes eat lizards, lizards eat frogs, frogs eat butterflies, and each of them increases; and the butterflies multiply where the flowers abound. Flowers will bloom where people stop. On the contrary, if they are trampled back and forth at will, they will wither and die. Salamanders will also gradually die out due to people trampling them back and forth.


When people walk into this ecology, they sometimes echo “Animals Living with Flowers - A Whole Year per Year”, such as in summer (June-August) or autumn (September-October 13) , enter this ecology in different seasons, and the flowers of the current season in the real world will begin to bloom from the creatures. When people step on the creature’s flowers, the flowers scatter. The work uses this to show the ebb and flow of all living things. Even at a specific moment, we will have the opportunity to witness the magnificent blooming of flowers and witness the growth and disappearance of life. In addition, the Red List of Endangered Species (Red List) is a database compiled by the International Union for Conservation of Nature that surveys the degree of species endangerment. A variety of Red List wildlife, including endangered species, will appear in the piece.

"Little drops of water can form a big wave"


Many water droplets fell and followed the terrain downstream. Water droplets will bounce like balls when they exist alone, but when you catch them with your whole body, they will converge into the shape of water. When the convergence reaches a certain level, the water will wash the ecology like a wave until the water droplets slowly It spreads out and behaves like a ball again, continuously converging into water and then disintegrating into water molecules, showing various changes in water forms.

"Animals Living with Flowers - A Whole Year per Year"


Flowers slowly change their types and bloom as the seasons change, and these blooming flowers form animals. As the flowers repeat the cycle of growing, blooming and withering, they continue to shape the shapes of animals. When people touch the flowers, the flowers will wither and scatter. If the animals’ flowers are scattered after continuous touching, the animals will disappear.

"Slide Fruit Garden"


On the slide, various fruits are being cultivated, and spheres are flying around. People on the slide will turn into sunlight and go down the slide. When their bodies collide with the sphere, the sphere will bounce around with full force due to receiving the sunlight. After the fruit collides with the flying sphere, it will Gain the power to nurture. Spheres of different colors have different functions. For example: when colliding with the sky blue sphere, the seeds will germinate, form buds and then bloom; when colliding with the yellow bee sphere, the flowers will be pollinated, and the pollinated flowers will bear fruit; when the sphere hits the fruit , the fruit will shed new seeds, and then continue the next life.

"Falling Waterfalls on the Slope"


Many water droplets fell and flowed down the slope. Water droplets, when alone, bounce like balls, but when gathered together, they behave like water, and when dispersed, they behave like balls again. When stepping on the uphill stairs, the nearby water droplets are affected by the energy, jump, bounce and scatter, and make a clear sound of water, allowing everyone to feel the rhythm of the beat more deeply when stepping on the stairs.

"Painted Flying"


Experience airplanes, butterflies or eagles soaring freely in the sky and get a bird’s-eye view of the city! When these pictures are completed, the pictures will appear three-dimensionally and fly into the world in front of the experiencer. Flying airplanes, butterflies and eagles will speed up or run away when touched. On the mobile phone device at the exhibition, the painted airplane, butterfly or eagle can be controlled from different angles. At the same time, it simulates its field of vision, such as experiencing that a butterfly has a 340° viewing angle or an eagle can see its prey on the ground even if it flies forward, thereby perceiving the world from different angles.

"Orchestra of Light"


As the spheres roll, the colors and sounds change, and the glowing spheres create an orchestral performance. By rolling the ball in front of you, the color of the ball will change and it will make sounds. Experiencers can use their bodies to touch balls of different sizes in the same space to change the space and play music freely.

"Genius Hopscotch Bouncing on Water"


“Water Bounce” is a flexible ground made of water. Experiencers can jump on circular, triangular and square symbols floating on the water. When you jump to symbols of the same shape continuously, fish, butterflies and birds will appear. When you jump to symbols of the same color continuously, the color will slowly expand. When you continue and jump to symbols of the same shape or color, the world becomes richer and richer. When you encounter fish, butterflies and birds that expand on the wall, they will turn into particles and disappear.

"The Music Wall Where Little People Live"


There are many little people living on the wall. They are musical performers. The little people will run back and forth in the wall. Experiencers can stick various stamps such as mushrooms, sheep huts, and icicles on the wall to interact with the little people. Children interact. Depending on the type of stamp, the little person will start to perform different actions such as sliding down the slide, jumping high or climbing. Smile seeds will fall from the top of the wall. When the smile seeds hit the stamp, they will play different tones according to the type of stamp. The music emitted by the collision stamp will also change in pitch depending on the height of the wall. . There is also a sleeping volcano on the wall. When the earth begins to rumble, the sleeping volcano will wake up and erupt into spectacular red rolling lava!

"The table where the little people live"


The little person is running around in the table. When the experiencer puts his hands or other things on the table, there will be different interactions based on the shape of different objects. The little person will also slide, jump and climb on it. wait.

Painting Factory


Experiencers can turn their painted patterns into unique souvenir badges to take home in "Inspiring Graffiti Nature in the Valley" or "Painted Flying"!

  • Badges are priced separately
  • You must hold the same-day admission ticket when purchasing

For more detailed information and how to play the displayed works, you can view it on the official website of "teamLab creates together! Future Park Taipei"


Catatan tentang tiket

  • Penggunaan tiket ini telah disetujui melalui surat Kantor Pemungutan Pajak Kota New Taipei No. 1125455018 tanggal 4 Desember 2012, dan pajak hiburan (termasuk dalam harga tiket) harus diterapkan ke kantor pemungutan pajak tempat pertunjukan berlangsung. terletak sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. Termasuk pajak hiburan yang dikenakan) *Tiket satu orang hanya dapat digunakan oleh satu orang dan tidak dapat digunakan berulang kali; tiket untuk dua orang memerlukan dua orang untuk masuk pada waktu yang sama dan tidak dapat digunakan secara terpisah. *Tiket hari kerja hanya dapat digunakan satu kali pada hari Senin sampai Jumat, yang bukan merupakan hari libur. Jika Anda menggunakannya pada hari libur, Anda harus membayar selisihnya; jika Anda memegang tiket liburan dan menggunakannya dari Senin sampai Jumat, selisihnya tidak akan dikembalikan. *Tiket ini adalah tiket yang berharga, mohon disimpan dengan baik. Jika hilang, rusak, dilubangi, diubah, dirusak, disalin atau disobek, maka dianggap tidak sah dan tidak akan dikembalikan atau diterbitkan kembali. *Tiket ini berlaku selama masa pameran (berakhir pada 13 Oktober 2024), dan akan dianggap tidak berlaku jika melewati batas waktu. Silakan buka saluran pembelian tiket asli sebelum 13/10/2024 untuk meminta pengembalian dana atau penukaran. Tiket yang terlambat tidak akan diproses. Saat membeli paket, harap dicatat bahwa paket tersebut sudah lengkap dan belum terpakai sebelum seluruh paket dapat dikembalikan. Untuk tata cara refund dan penukaran, silakan mengacu pada peraturan refund masing-masing channel. *Hanya pengembalian uang untuk tiket yang dijual di loket tiket di lokasi yang akan diterima di tempat pameran. Tiket lengkap yang belum terpakai, invoice, dan tanda tangan kartu kredit harus dilampirkan. *Anak-anak di bawah 3 tahun dapat masuk secara gratis. Mereka harus didampingi oleh orang dewasa yang memiliki tiket dan kartu identitas yang relevan. Jika Anda tidak membawa kartu identitas, Anda akan dinilai jika tinggi badan Anda di atas 90 sentimeter. Metode penghitungan usia didasarkan pada usia sebenarnya pada hari kunjungan. *Mereka yang memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan tiket gratis harus berinisiatif menunjukkan identitas mereka untuk diverifikasi oleh staf layanan sebelum masuk. Jika tidak memenuhi syarat, silakan membeli tiket berdasarkan statusnya; mereka yang memenuhi syarat untuk status preferensial (tiket preferensial, tiket cinta) tidak dapat meminta pengembalian dana sebagian setelah masuk dengan tiket. Atau mensubsidi selisih tiket
  • Agar petugas pelayanan dapat teridentifikasi dengan jelas, penyandang disabilitas yang wajib mendampingi wajib masuk ke venue di sebelah penyandang disabilitas.
  • Jika ada pertanyaan yang belum terjawab mengenai hal di atas, silakan merujuk ke website resmi dan pengumuman FB. Penyelenggara berhak menafsirkan acara tersebut.

#Kunjungi catatan *Tanggal tutup: 20 Agustus 2024. Jam buka pameran: 09:00-17:00 pada hari kerja selain liburan musim panas (penjualan tiket dan pemberhentian tiket masuk pada 16:00), 09:00-18:00 (17:00) pada hari libur dan liburan musim panas (1/7-29/8) Penjualan tiket dan tiket masuk akan berhenti pada pukul 00)

  • Beberapa area pameran menyediakan kertas gambar edisi terbatas untuk digambar orang. Kertas gambar tidak untuk dijual dan tidak cocok untuk kegiatan pemasaran atau transaksi moneter apa pun. Dilarang menjual kembali tanpa izin penyelenggara. Dilarang menjual atau menjual kembali tiket di tempat pameran. Itu ilegal. akan ditangani sesuai hukum
  • Kereta bayi dan koper besar harus ditempatkan di luar tempat pameran. Penyelenggara tidak menyediakan layanan penyimpanan dan tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian harta benda pribadi. Harap simpan sendiri barang-barang dan barang berharga Anda. Tidak ada toilet atau tempat sampah di tempat pameran. Mohon menuju toilet di sekitar tempat pameran terlebih dahulu sebelum memasuki tempat tersebut.
  • Anda harus melepas sepatu dan mengenakan kaus kaki berbahan katun saat memasuki beberapa area pameran. Untuk alasan kebersihan dan keamanan, harap membawa kaus kaki katun Anda sendiri atau Anda dapat membeli kaus kaki katun tambahan di lokasi. Dilarang memakai sepatu apa pun atau bertelanjang kaki *Demi menjaga kualitas dan keamanan pameran, beberapa area pameran mempunyai batasan waktu, frekuensi dan jumlah. Silakan ikuti instruksi staf layanan di tempat untuk mengantri dan masuk. Jika Anda mengakhiri pengalaman atau keluar di tengah jalan, jika Anda ingin berinteraksi lagi, harap mengantri lagi.
  • Tidak ada ruang bebas hambatan di venue. Karena pertimbangan manajemen keselamatan, beberapa fasilitas tidak dapat diakses oleh pengguna kursi roda. Mohon maafkan saya. Jumlah kursi roda terbatas. Jika tempatnya ramai, Anda mungkin harus menunggu. Harap menunggu sesuai petunjuk staf. Terima kasih
  • Terdapat perbedaan ketinggian permukaan tanah di beberapa area pameran. Harap perhatikan keselamatan anak-anak yang bepergian bersama Anda dan keselamatan Anda sendiri. Kursi roda tidak diperbolehkan masuk. *Pameran ini terbuka untuk fotografi dan perekaman video, namun harap hormati hak kekayaan intelektual pameran dan hak cipta karyanya. Untuk melindungi hak dan kepentingan orang lain yang melihat pameran, dilarang menggunakan peralatan bantu seperti flash, tripod, dan tongkat selfie agar tidak mengganggu pengunjung lain.
  • Dilarang makan dan minum di venue; dilarang bermain, berkejaran, merokok, mengunyah permen karet dan pinang
  • Hewan peliharaan (kecuali anjing pemandu), payung bergagang panjang, minuman di luar lokasi, makanan di luar lokasi, dan berbagai barang berbahaya serta barang selundupan tidak diperbolehkan masuk ke dalam lokasi.
  • Harap patuhi rute tur, peraturan pameran, dan instruksi staf di lokasi. Penyelenggara tidak bertanggung jawab atas cedera apa pun yang disebabkan oleh perilaku tidak pantas atau kegagalan mengikuti instruksi staf. Jika terdapat banyak orang, harap mengantri secara berurutan; jika ada kerusakan pada barang pameran, ganti rugi akan didasarkan pada harga; jika peraturan terkait kunjungan tidak dipatuhi dan tidak ada niat untuk memperbaiki diri setelah dibujuk, penyelenggara berhak meminta izin untuk pergi, dan tiket tidak akan dikembalikan atau diberi kompensasi biaya
  • Anda tidak diperbolehkan mengambil foto komersial atau wawancara tanpa izin sebelumnya.
  • Jika Anda perlu masuk kembali setelah meninggalkan ruang pameran, Anda bisa mendapatkan stempel tangan masuk berulang di pintu keluar tempat pameran dan berbaris lagi di pintu masuk dengan stempel tangan untuk masuk. Masuk dan keluar dibatasi jam pameran pada hari tersebut.
  • Jika ada perubahan pada jam kerja dan peraturan pameran, silakan lihat pengumuman resmi klub penggemar di lokasi. Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak tercakup di atas, pihak penyelenggara berhak menafsirkan acara tersebut.


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