Bungee Jumping in Goa ( North Goa )

Nuova attività
North Goa, Goa, India
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  • All Safety Equipment Rental.
  • ‍Jump Masters guidance.
  • 5 Photos of Bungee jumping FREE.(Soft Copies)
  • Free DSLR Bungee Video.(will get on mail)
  • Free Bungee Certificate.(Soft Copies)

Cosa aspettarsi

Bungee jumping is a popular adventure sport in North Goa, offering an exhilarating experience and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. If you're seeking an adrenaline rush and a unique experience, bungee jumping in North Goa is an ideal activity.

The bungee jumping process involves signing a waiver, getting fitted with a harness, and being taken to the top of a tall platform. Once ready, you'll be attached to a bungee cord and pushed off the platform, experiencing a heart-stopping freefall before the cord catches you and swings you back up.

Bungee jumping is generally considered a safe activity when conducted appropriately. However, there are potential risks, such as injury or death, so refrain from bungee jumping if you are pregnant, have a heart condition, or are afraid of heights.

Here's a summary of what to expect when bungee jumping in North Goa:

A surge of adrenaline as you plunge towards the platform A sense of exhilaration as you swing back up Panoramic views of the vibrant North Goa coastline A sense of achievement after completing this daring feat


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