4G Portable WiFi for Mainland China from Uroaming

100K+ 件の予約

About this product

Additional Information:

  • This particular service is only provided for Mainland China
  • WiFi devices are generally available. In the rare event that it has been booked out, you will be notified at least 1 day in advance by email
  • There is a minimum 3 day charge. If you use more days than you originally booked, you will be charged at the original retail price for the extra days when you return the device
  • Day charges are calculated inclusively. For example, if you pick up the device on a Thursday and return it on a Monday, you will be charged for 5 days of usage
  • You will be charged the days that you are in possession of the WiFi device, whether or not you are using the service
  • According to local policy, you must present your passport and take a photo of yourself holding the passport at the airport service counter upon picking up the device
  • In case of late device returns, a penalty fee of CNY35/day will apply and your deposit will not be refunded. Please note that the device will stop working if it is returned after more than 5 days from its original return date
  • Customers will be liable for any damage/loss of the device (up to CNY500). Please check the device carefully before leaving the service counter
  • Please note: Specific websites / applications program such as Google, Google Map, Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, Kakao Talk, Youtube, Instagram, etc are not accessible in Mainland China

Compensation Charges

  • Loss, damage or breakage of WiFi device: CNY500/device

International Fair Usage Policy

  • Under the Fair Usage Policy, users who use large amounts of data in a short period of time might, without prior notice, have their data usage limited at the discretion of the telecommunications company they are subscribed to
  • Please refrain from watching videos for a long periods of time, or from using a huge amount of data in a short period of time
  • Operator will in no way be responsible or liable for the incurred data limit as per above, and you will still be charged with the appropriate fees during your rental period

Pick Up Procedure:

  • Present your printed or mobile voucher at the airport service counter
  • Take a photo of you holding your passport at the airport service counter as per local policy and regulations
  • Pay the CNY500 deposit via cash or credit card
  • Receive the pocket WiFi device and start surfing!

Return Procedure:

  • Return the device to the airport service counter
  • Pay for any additional days used (up to 5 days only)
  • If everything is in order, you'll be refunded the full CNY500 deposit. However, if you return the device after more than 5 days, no deposit will be refunded
  • Deposits paid by cash will be refunded immediately upon the return of the device. For deposits paid via credit card, it will usually take about 1-5 days to receive your deposit refund. Actual number of days may vary depending on the issuing bank

Activation Procedure:

  • Please check this guide for usage instructions
  • For rescheduling inquiries and troubleshooting after you receive the device, please contact the UROAMING customer service hotline: +852 2588 5888 (10:00am-8:00pm) or WhatsApp: 54200284


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