See Camel Centre, Rat Temple from Jodhpur & Bikaner Drop with Guide

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  • Enjoy a hassle-free journey from Jodhpur to Bikaner with comfortable transportation & knowledgeable guidance throughout the trip.
  • Visit the famous Karni Mata Temple, also known as the Rat Temple, home to thousands of revered rats, offering a one-of-a-kind spiritual and cultural experience.
  • Explore the National Research Centre on Camel in Bikaner, where you can learn about different camel breeds, their importance in the region, and witness camel training and breeding activities.
  • Numerous opportunities for memorable photography at both the Rat Temple & the Camel Center.
  • These highlights ensure a comprehensive, educational & culturally enriching experience as you travel from Jodhpur to Bikaner with guided visits to these unique attractions.

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