包车导览 台湾跨城市包车游览一日游

200+ 人参加过
  • 提供全天候包车服务,带你探索台湾的多个城市
  • 从酒店、机场或任选地点,享受便捷的往返接送服务
  • 自定喜好的名胜景点,让本地专业司机向导为你计划路线
  • 乘坐人数8人以内任选,舒适的8小时私人导赏包车一日游
  • 驾驶经验丰富的司机,全程热心服务
  • 经过一天的探索和猎奇,在台中下车
  • Klook独家:通过Klook预订包车服务,一日轻松探索台湾



  • 凭证将在2个工作日内发送,如未收到订单确认信息,请联系客服


  • Group of 1-4:
  • Seating capacity: 1-4 passengers
  • Car type: Toyota Camry or Toyota Wish (If the vehicle is unavailable, the operator may replace it with a vehicle of the same standard)
  • Group of 5-6:
  • Seating capacity: 1-6 passengers
  • Car type: Toyota Sienna or Toyota Previa (If the vehicle is unavailable, the operator may replace it with a vehicle of the same standard)
  • Group of 5-8:
  • Seating capacity: 1-8 passengers
  • Car type: Volkswagen T5, Volkswagen T6, or Hyundai Streax (If the vehicle is unavailable, the operator may replace it with a vehicle of the same standard)
  • Children aged 0-3 are not allowed to ride the vehicle without child safety seats. Please select the number of safety seats needed at check out page


  • Group of 1-4:
  • Maximum capacity luggage: Two 28in luggages
  • Group of 5-6:
  • Maximum capacity luggage: Four 28in luggages
  • Group of 5-8:
  • Maximum capacity luggage: Five 28in luggages


  • The driver can only speak Chinese
  • Service hours: 8-hours per day between 08:00-23:00
  • Latest departure time: 15:00 for solo city charter, 00:00 for crosstown charter
  • Solo city chartered services are only offered to and from cities that are in the same area group (e.g. Areas A: Taipei-Keelung or Areas F: Kaohsiung to Pingtung)
  • Crosstown charter services are only offered to and from cities that are not in the same area group, but with an addtional fees (e.g Areas A to Areas B or Areas A to Areas D)
  • Please note: The Central Mountain Range stretches from the north of Taiwan to the south, bisecting western (Areas A, B, C, D,F) and eastern (Areas G, H, I) areas. Due to this, crossing from west to east and vice versa will not be available for crosstown charter services
  • Places not covered under the service: Lishan, Fushoushan, Hehuanshan, and Aowanda National Forest Recreation Area
  • You will be notified of driver's information via email a day prior to your scheduled booking; please be reminded to contact our customer service in the event you do not receive the notification
  • The operator will get in touch with you regarding the driver's information and contact details via e-mail a day before your scheduled booking


  • 附加费用请直接向司机支付现金
  • Overtime charges: NTD500 per hour (if service exceeds 8 hours)
  • Additional charges (crosstown charter only): NTD1,000 for driver's accommodation plus NTD500 per hour if the service ends after 6:00pm



  • 区域A:台北、新北、基隆
  • 区域B:桃园、新竹、苗栗
  • 区域C:台中、彰化、云林
  • 区域D:嘉义、台南
  • 区域E:南投
  • 区域F:高雄、屏东
  • 区域G:宜兰
  • 区域H:花莲
  • 区域I:台东



  • 划线价格为参考价格,指商品或服务的门市价、服务提供商的指导价、零售价或曾经展示过的销售价格,并非原价,该价格仅供您参考。
  • 指商品或服务的实时标价,为划线价基础上计算出来的优惠价格。具体成交价格根据商品或服务参加活动,或会员使用优惠券等发生变化,最终以订单结算页价格为准