包车游览 京都/奈良

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Kiyomizu Temple
Enhanced Health & Hygiene Measures are being implemented for this activity. Please check the activity highlights below for more details
  • 享受舒适的10小时包车服务,轻松往返京都和奈良的热门景点
  • 跟着推荐路线游玩,或自订冒险之旅,享受难忘的旅程
  • 两种车型满足不同团体人数需求
  • 更多包车游览服务,轻松玩遍关西:大阪至京都京都市区大阪市区以及大阪至周边地区



  • 订单立即确认,如未收到确认信息,请联系客服


  • 注意:婴幼儿和儿童将被计为乘客人数
  • The operator will send the driver information to you 3 days before the departure (no later than 3 hours before the car is used). Please make sure to check the contact method you indicated at the check out page for any update


  • The total duration of the car charter service is 10 hours. The last service time is at 20:00. It is recommended to plan your departure time so that you can fully enjoy the sights
  • Service area for this charter is within 100km from your hotel
  • The driver can only speak basic English, but there will be an online staff to help fulfill English service
  • Please note that the operator can provide only up to 2 child safety seats per vehicle for a cost. If you need a child safety seat, please book it separately
  • Please note: The Kyoto Imperial Palace will be closed on weekends, holidays. It is also closed on some dates between spring and autumn: The Sunflower Celebration (around 14-17 May), 31 Dec, and 1 Jan (there are ceremonies in the palace room during the New Year)
  • 请注意:每个儿童座椅将计为1名乘客
  • 此车辆不方便婴儿车和轮椅上下


  • 具体费用由司机决定
  • 超时服务:
  • 每小时JPY5,000
  • 超出服务区域:
  • JPY10,000 areas outside Kyoto
  • 额外里程:
  • 每公里JPY400
  • Extra mileage surcharge will apply if total journey goes over 300km
  • Outside service hours surcharge will apply if service is rendered after 20:00
  • If the return trip is overtime due to traffic jams, there is no need to pay any overtime fee
  • If the overtime fee and the excess kilometer fee occur at the same time, only the higher amount would be charged
  • Once you have booked your charter, the operator will reconfirm the amount in advance and will be in touch to notify you of your applicable surcharges. Surcharges can be book directly


  • 每位乘客不论年龄(包含婴儿在内)皆占1个座位
  • 请注意,每辆车最多只能提供2个儿童安全座椅,儿童安全座椅需额外收费,如有需要请单独预订
  • 请注意,每个儿童座椅占车内1.5个座位
  • 车内有行李置放空间,可收纳轮椅
  • 供应商将在出发前3天(最迟于出发前3小时)发送司机资讯。请务必确认预订页面上所提供的联系方式正确无误
  • 请至少提前10分钟至饭店大厅等候接送
  • 服务范围: 饭店周边100公里内
  • 请注意: 京都御所周末及国定假日不开放,春秋期间以下日期也不开放:向日葵节 (5月14 - 17日)、12月31日、1月1日 (新年期间宫殿里将有仪式进行)
  • 请注意: 司机只能讲基础英语,但会有在线工作人员协助英语服务


  • 预订包车服务后,供应商将与你联系告知附加费用的金额,请直接预订附加费用套餐



  • 划线价格为参考价格,指商品或服务的门市价、服务提供商的指导价、零售价或曾经展示过的销售价格,并非原价,该价格仅供您参考。
  • 指商品或服务的实时标价,为划线价基础上计算出来的优惠价格。具体成交价格根据商品或服务参加活动,或会员使用优惠券等发生变化,最终以订单结算页价格为准