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  • 盘点雪隆区9间网红花花系咖啡馆🌼 除了美食之外还被美丽的花森林包围着🌸

    Chriss Chan
    Chriss Chan
    Last updated 2024年3月21日

    Photo Credit: @evontmy, @hapimami_wy, @mintchalk_


    Lisette's Cafe & Bakery Bangsar Floral Cafe In KL & PJ
    📍Lisette's Cafe & Bakery | Photo Credit: @waikarr_ (Instagram)
    Urban Daybreak Cafe Bangsar brunch floral restaurant KL PJ
    📍Urban Daybreak | Photo Credit: @zininggg (Instagram)
    想要去一些不一样的网红咖啡馆打卡?花花森林系的怎么样?能美化你IG又能享用到颜值满分的美食,就是这些花花咖啡馆了🌼🌸 雪隆区有不少以花和森林为主题的咖啡馆和餐厅,来看看小编介绍的这9间吧,周末约好闺蜜走起1
    The Orchid Conservatory The Majestic Hotel KL Floral Afternoon Hi Tea
    📍The Orchid Conservatory | Photo Credit: @marilynkee (Instagram)

    1. Mary Jane KL

    Mary Jane KL Dining Floral Cafe In Petaling Street KL
    Photo Credit: @hapimami_wy (Instagram)
    Mary Jane KL Dining Floral Cafe In Petaling Street KL
    Photo Credits: @rj.rongjie (Instagram)
    Mary Jane KL Dining Floral Cafe In Petaling Street KL
    Photo Credit: @maryjane.dining (Instagram)
    这间以粉红色为主的花花咖啡馆Mary Jane是最近才新开不久,一开张就人潮汹涌,还要提早预约!喜欢粉色系的美眉来到这里一定会心花怒放!从墙上的粉色玫瑰,到优雅的家具溅上都使用了金色、白色,当然还有粉红色。
    Mary Jane KL Dining Floral Cafe In KL & PJ
    Photo Credits: @rj.rongjie (Instagram)
    Mary Jane KL Dining Floral Cafe In Petaling Street KL
    Photo Credit: @maryjane.dining (Instagram)
    它们店内的粉红色花朵主题是在楼上。你可以在楼下的手绘丛林主题内饰中享受用餐体验,并在酒吧品尝创新的饮品。Mary Jane可能是茨厂街(Petaling Street)的一间新店,但他们提供优质的美食和服务。价位可能会有点偏高,推荐和牛牛肉汉堡和蓬松的煎饼!
    • 地址: 106, Jalan Petaling, City Centre, 50000 Kuala Lumpur
    • 营业时间: 11am - 10pm (周日) | 10am - 10pm (周末) | 星期一休息

    2. Lisette's Café & Bakery

    Lisette's Cafe & Bakery Bangsar Floral Cafe In KL & PJ
    Photo Credit: @mintchalk_ (Instagram)
    Lisette's Cafe & Bakery Bangsar Floral Cafe In KL & PJ
    Photo Credit: @azurvvnsophia (Instagram)
    到Bangsar的Lisette's Cafe度过一个美好的周末和享用健康早午餐。以前被称DR. Inc,这家古朴的咖啡馆因其著名的早午餐自助餐而受欢迎,并提供许多素食餐的选择哦。虽然很多人都喜欢他们的自助餐,但单点菜单也很丰富!又美味的brunch选项、亚洲主菜和新鲜出炉的糕点以及蛋糕等等!
    Lisette's Cafe & Bakery Bangsar Floral Cafe In KL & PJ
    Photo Credit: @sabrinawyt (Instagram)
    Lisette's Cafe & Bakery Bangsar Floral Cafe In KL & PJ
    Photo Credit: @anumlashes (Instagram)
    • 地址: No. 8, Jalan Kemuja, Bangsar, 59000 Kuala Lumpur
    • 营业时间: 每日 8am-10pm

    3. Daisy & Peony Florist Cafe

    Daisy & Peony Florist Cafe Flower Restaurant in Bukit Jalil
    Photo Credit: @yunxii4134 (Instagram)
    Daisy & Peony Florist Cafe Flower Restaurant In Bukit Jalil
    Photo Credit: @jemsfoodblog (Instagram)
    没有比花店有更多美丽鲜花的地方了。Daisy&Peony Florist咖啡馆主要是花店和提供插花服务,你可以看到花束和漂亮的礼品盒,摆放着五颜六色的鲜花。这里还有美丽浅色系的干花悬挂在墙上的框架中,还有个优雅黑镜,是每个人来到这里必拍的角落。
    Daisy & Peony Florist Cafe Flower Restaurant in Bukit Jalil KL
    Daisy & Peony Florist Cafe Flower Restaurant in Bukit Jalil
    Photo Credit: @weisan1204 (Instagram)
    Daisy & Peony Florist Cafe Flower Restaurant in Bukit Jalil KL
    • 地址: C-10-01, The Link, No. 5, Jalan Jalil Perkasa 1, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur
    • 营业时间: 11am - 6pm | 星期二休息

    4. The Orchid Conservatory

    The Orchid Conservatory The Majestic Hotel KL Floral Afternoon Hi Tea
    Photo Credit: @iamnazirul (Instagram)
    The Orchid Conservatory The Majestic Hotel KL Floral Afternoon Hi Tea
    Photo Credit: @juz_wendy (Instagram)
    想在被优雅的兰花花园环绕下品茶吗?吉隆坡大华酒店 The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur的The Orchid Conservatory英式下午茶是在玻璃中庭(也称为兰花温室)中享用的。这也是非常受欢迎的high tea好去处,光是地点就已经很加分了!
    The Orchid Conservatory The Majestic Hotel KL Floral Afternoon Hi Tea
    Photo Credit: @ai_daaa (Instagram)
    The Orchid Conservatory The Majestic Hotel KL Floral Afternoon Hi Tea
    Photo Credit: @fififarihan (Instagram)
    • 地址: The Majestic Hotel, No. 5, Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin, Perdana Botanical Gardens, 50000 Kuala Lumpur
    • 营业时间: 每日 3pm - 6pm

    5. Fine Coffee & Flowers

    Fine Coffee and Flowers Cafe Korea Town Ampang Florist Cafe KL
    Photo Credit: @jessicachaw (Instagram)
    Fine Coffee and Flowers Cafe Korea Town Ampang Florist Cafe KL
    Photo Credit: @lilyk_97 (Instagram)
    如果是喜欢韩系咖啡馆美感的咖啡迷,像是以卡其色和白色为主的,拥有浅色的木材和简约的家具等,那么Fine Coffee & Flowers便是你的不二之选。 由一家花店家庭创立,就在Ampang的Little Korea街区,这个舒适的地方既是咖啡馆也是花店,可以买到美味的蛋糕和精美的花束。
    Fine Coffee and Flowers Cafe Korea Town Ampang Florist Cafe KL
    Photo Credit: @josephcshong (Instagram)
    Fine Coffee and Flowers Cafe Korea Town Ampang Florist Cafe KL
    Photo Credit: @astraea_theng (Instagram)
    咖啡馆配有设计简单的家具、淡淡花香和宁静的氛围,菜单小巧可爱,并提供精选主菜(美食早餐、烤鸡肉三明治、烟熏三文鱼吐司等)以及甜点(如黑芝麻布丁、烤芝士蛋糕、 和焙茶蛋糕卷。他们还提供一些梦幻饮料,像是草莓拿铁和伯爵茶!
    • 地址: C2-1 Jalan Ampang Utama 1/1, Tmn, Taman Ampang Utama, 68000 Ampang, Selangor
    • 营业时间: 每日 9am - 6pm

    6. Anther & Stigma Floral Cafe

    Anther & Stigma Floral Cafe Desa Park City Florist Restaurant In PJ
    Photo Credit: @li_yinggg (Instagram)
    Anther & Stigma Floral Cafe Desa Park City Florist Restaurant In PJ
    Photo Credit: @jessicathy (Instagram)
    Anther & Stigma Floral Cafe Desa Park City Florist Restaurant In PJ
    Photo Credit: @megchinmy (Instagram)
    Anther & Stigma Floral Cafe Desa Park City Florist Restaurant In PJ
    Photo Credit: @antherstigma (Instagram)
    咖啡馆的装饰中融合了许多绿色植物和花朵,让整间店增添了大自然元素。整个空间的装饰有令人心花怒放的墙壁花环、悬垂的植物和一束束五颜六色的鲜花。凭借其美丽的内饰,这里经常被预订为举办小型活动或私人活动的场所。从Klook购买独家优惠券,即可享受3片蛋糕以及3杯免费的Blooming Floral Tea!
    • 地址: H-1-10, Plaza Arkadia No, 3, Jalan Intisari, Desa Parkcity, 52200 Kuala Lumpur
    • 营业时间: 每日 8.30am - 6pm

    7. Viola Flower Cafe

    Viola Flower Cafe Bukit Jalil Floral Restaurant in KL
    Photo Credit: @yikhui1108 (Instagram)
    Viola Flower Cafe Bukit Jalil Floral Restaurant in KL
    Photo Credit: @kellychong (Instagram)
    Viola Flower Cafe Bukit Jalil Floral Restaurant in KL
    Photo Credit: @angelxss (Instagram)
    Bukit Jalil的Viola Flower Cafe花卉主题咖啡馆除了能赏花之外,主要是提供融合了西式风味的各种日式美食!从经典的饭类和饭团,到日式早餐拼盘和招牌芝士油条汉堡等,应有尽有。然而这里的亮点肯定是他们的日式下午茶套餐,色香咸甜味俱全。
    Viola Flower Cafe Bukit Jalil Floral Restaurant in KL
    Photo Credit: @paggy_0210 (Instagram)
    Viola Flower Cafe Bukit Jalil Floral Restaurant in KL
    Photo Credit: @yuuuuuuuu.n (Instagram)
    • 地址: H-1, 03, Jalan Persiaran Jalil 1, Bukit Jalil City, 57000 Kuala Lumpur
    • 营业时间: 10am - 7:30pm

    8. Willow Restaurant

    Willow Restaurant Fine Dining W Hotel Kuala Lumpur Floral Restaurant
    Photo Credit: @evontmy (Instagram)
    Willow Restaurant Fine Dining W Hotel Kuala Lumpur Floral Restaurant
    Photo Credit: @janekwan__ (Instagram)
    吉隆坡W酒店最新的高级餐厅Willow Restaurant位于酒店的8楼,可欣赏城市和双子塔(Petronas Twin Towers)的如画美景!在夜幕降临时的景色更让人惊艳。走进这个以紫色为主的空间,天花板上悬挂着发光的花朵,放毒掉进了爱丽丝梦幻空间,也好像是到了春天一样。
    Willow Restaurant Fine Dining W Hotel Kuala Lumpur Floral Restaurant
    Photo Credit: @willowkualalumpur (Instagram)
    Willow Restaurant Fine Dining W Hotel Kuala Lumpur Floral Restaurant
    Photo Credit: @rrrawrn (Instagram)
    Willow Restaurant Fine Dining W Hotel Kuala Lumpur Floral Restaurant
    Photo Credit: @evontmy (Instagram)
    品赏他们精巧的工艺鸡尾酒和令人印象深刻的美食菜单,融合了东方和西方文化的精致菜肴。#Klook小贴士:Willow Restaurant特别适合浪漫约会和特殊庆祝活动的地点,建议预订靠窗的座位,提升用餐体验之余还能欣赏吉隆坡美景!
    • 地址: 8th Floor, W Hotel, No. 121, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
    • 营业时间: 11.30am - 3pm & 6pm - 12am | 星期一休息

    9. Urban Daybreak

    Urban Daybreak Cafe Bangsar brunch floral restaurant KL PJ
    Photo Credit: @safwankhalili (Instagram)
    Urban Daybreak Cafe Bangsar brunch floral restaurant KL PJ
    Photo Credit: @mandylmx (Instagram)
    Urban Daybreak是起源于槟城的一个早午餐打卡地。这里的菜单包括一系列澳大利亚风味的早餐和brunch,从鳄梨吐司到美味的牛角面包,以及三明治都是这里的必点。他们还甚至自己特制香肠、冰淇淋和花生酱哦!
    Urban Daybreak Cafe Bangsar brunch floral restaurant KL PJ
    Photo Credit: @urbandaybreak (Instagram)
    Urban Daybreak Cafe Bangsar brunch floral restaurant KL PJ
    Photo Credit: @urbandaybreak (Instagram)
    • 地址: 11, Jalan Telawi 5, Bangsar, 59100 Kuala Lumpur
    • 营业时间: 每日 8am - 7.30pm


    makan deals
    想要品尝美食但不想花太多钱?那就到Klook查看更多各种美食优惠,折扣高达89%哦!无论是想要和朋友约一个酒店用餐体验,还是高贵的下午茶体验,尝试各种甜点,甚至是咖啡馆Cafe Hopping,都能找到你想要的美食!当然也有人人爱的火锅 ❤️ 有些还有外带服务哦~
