
200+ 人參加過
  • 提供全天候包車服務,帶你探索台灣的多個城市
  • 從酒店、機場或任選地點,享受便捷的往返接送服務
  • 自定喜好的名勝景點,讓本地專業司機嚮導為你計劃路線
  • 乘坐人數8人以內任選,舒適的8小時私人導賞包車一日遊
  • 駕駛經驗豐富的司機,全程熱心服務
  • 經過一天的探索和獵奇,在台中下車
  • Klook獨家:通過Klook預訂包車服務,一日輕鬆探索台灣



  • 憑證將於2日內傳送,如未收到訂單確認資訊,請聯繫客服


  • Group of 1-4:
  • Seating capacity: 1-4 passengers
  • Car type: Toyota Camry or Toyota Wish (If the vehicle is unavailable, the operator may replace it with a vehicle of the same standard)
  • Group of 5-6:
  • Seating capacity: 1-6 passengers
  • Car type: Toyota Sienna or Toyota Previa (If the vehicle is unavailable, the operator may replace it with a vehicle of the same standard)
  • Group of 5-8:
  • Seating capacity: 1-8 passengers
  • Car type: Volkswagen T5, Volkswagen T6, or Hyundai Streax (If the vehicle is unavailable, the operator may replace it with a vehicle of the same standard)
  • Children aged 0-3 are not allowed to ride the vehicle without child safety seats. Please select the number of safety seats needed at check out page


  • Group of 1-4:
  • Maximum capacity luggage: Two 28in luggages
  • Group of 5-6:
  • Maximum capacity luggage: Four 28in luggages
  • Group of 5-8:
  • Maximum capacity luggage: Five 28in luggages


  • The driver can only speak Chinese
  • Service hours: 8-hours per day between 08:00-23:00
  • Latest departure time: 15:00 for solo city charter, 00:00 for crosstown charter
  • Solo city chartered services are only offered to and from cities that are in the same area group (e.g. Areas A: Taipei-Keelung or Areas F: Kaohsiung to Pingtung)
  • Crosstown charter services are only offered to and from cities that are not in the same area group, but with an addtional fees (e.g Areas A to Areas B or Areas A to Areas D)
  • Please note: The Central Mountain Range stretches from the north of Taiwan to the south, bisecting western (Areas A, B, C, D,F) and eastern (Areas G, H, I) areas. Due to this, crossing from west to east and vice versa will not be available for crosstown charter services
  • Places not covered under the service: Lishan, Fushoushan, Hehuanshan, and Aowanda National Forest Recreation Area
  • You will be notified of driver's information via email a day prior to your scheduled booking; please be reminded to contact our customer service in the event you do not receive the notification
  • The operator will get in touch with you regarding the driver's information and contact details via e-mail a day before your scheduled booking


  • 所有附加費用請以現金方式支付司機
  • Overtime charges: NTD500 per hour (if service exceeds 8 hours)
  • Additional charges (crosstown charter only): NTD1,000 for driver's accommodation plus NTD500 per hour if the service ends after 6:00pm



  • 區域A:台北、新北、基隆
  • 區域B:桃園、新竹、苗栗
  • 區域C:台中、彰化、雲林
  • 區域D:嘉義、台南
  • 區域E:南投
  • 區域F:高雄、屏東
  • 區域G:宜蘭
  • 區域H:花蓮
  • 區域I:台東
