曼谷中央世界購物中心Hug Thai街頭美食通票

500+ 人參加過
1樓HUG THAI區999/9 Rama I Rd, Khwaeng Pathum Wan, Khet Pathum Wan, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10330
頁面顯示 AI 翻譯資訊,內容如有歧異,請以原文為準

通過 KLOOK 的美食通行證,探索中央世界 Hug Thai 當地的泰國美食。享用泰式炒河粉、芒果糯米飯等菜餚。售完為止可享受額外折扣。現在預訂!

  • 以促銷折扣限量庫存預訂美食通行證,選擇領取優惠券的日期和時間,即可享受 7 天的體驗
  • 正宗風味:Hug Thai 提供一系列融合了經典與現代口味的泰式菜餚
  • 黃金地段:我們位於 Central World 的 1 樓,這裡是曼谷熱鬧的中心,就在 HUG THAI 入口處,距離 Centara Grand Central World 僅有幾步之遙
  • 文化潛水:不僅僅是用餐,還可以通過我們的活動和研討會體驗泰國傳統
  • 頂級服務:在 Hug Thai 美食中心體驗泰式溫暖和品質的精髓


街頭美食通行證 - 現限時優惠價!

  • 整顆椰子
  • 芒果糯米飯
  • 蝦仁泰式炒河粉
  • 關阿雞飯
  • 草藥咖喱蝦(供應至四月底)
  • 脆皮魚肉飯配煮雞蛋和辣味魚露醬(5 月 1 日起供應)
  • 木瓜沙拉
  • 您選擇的飲料:選擇刺果番荔枝冰沙、柚子花或莫吉托蝶豆花

您可以選擇在優惠券兌換日期後的 7 天內兌換所有菜單。 在 HUG THAI 區購物、品嚐和放鬆,慶祝您的假期,這是一個位於市中心的迷人新泰式景點,位於 Central World 的一樓。

中央世界一樓的 HUG THAI 街頭小吃
中央世界一樓的 HUG THAI 街頭小吃
中央世界一樓的 HUG THAI 街頭小吃
HUG THAI 街頭美食通行證 [Klook客路 x Hug Thai 獨家] - 選擇特定的美食通行證領取日期,並自所選領取日期起 7 天內享用
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
Redeem and pick up the Food Pass at the Klook lounge near CentralWorld Exclusive Lounge in Hug Thai Zone
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
HUG THAI Street food on the 1st Floor in Central World
中央世界一樓的 HUG THAI 街頭小吃
中央世界一樓的 HUG THAI 街頭小吃
中央世界一樓的 HUG THAI 街頭小吃


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